


Automation of tasks: Event-driven

29 August 2024 | Amelia Gaby

5 Minute Read

Event-driven automation

Event-driven automation in the IT world revolves around triggering actions based on specific events or conditions. These events can be monitored and, upon detection, can trigger automated workflows, scripts, or processes to respond to the event. Here’s a list of common event-driven automation scenarios in the IT world:


System Monitoring and Alerts
  • CPU usage exceeds a threshold
  • Memory usage exceeds a threshold
  • Disk space utilization reaches a critical level
  • Application crash or service failure
  • High network latency or packet loss
Security and Compliance Events
  • Detection of malware or suspicious activity
  • Unauthorized access attempts (failed logins, brute-force attacks)
  • Changes to critical system files or configurations
  • Compliance violations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA)
  • Certificate expiration warnings
Infrastructure Events
  • Server instance failure or unavailability
  • Auto-scaling events (scaling up or down based on load)
  • Network device failures or configuration changes
  • Backup completion or failure
  • Cloud resource creation, modification, or deletion
Application Events
  • Application deployment success or failure
  • Microservices health check failures
  • Error logs or exceptions in application logs
  • API request rate limiting or throttling
  • Database connection pool exhaustion
User and Access Management
  • New user account creation or deletion
  • Privilege escalation or role changes
  • User login from a new location or device
  • Group membership changes
  • Session timeout or inactivity logout
DevOps and CI/CD Pipeline Events
  • Code commit or push to a repository
  • Build success or failure
  • Test suite pass or fail
  • Deployment to staging or production environment
  • Configuration drift detection
Network Events
  • VPN connection establishment or failure
  • Firewall rule changes or violations
  • Network congestion or bottlenecks
  • DNS resolution failures
  • Load balancer health check failures
Incident and Service Management
  • New incident creation in ITSM tool (e.g., ServiceNow, Jira)
  • Change request approval or rejection
  • SLA breach detection
  • Incident resolution or closure
  • Customer support ticket creation or escalation
IoT and Sensor Events
  • Temperature or humidity thresholds breached
  • Device connectivity status changes
  • Sensor data anomalies
  • IoT device firmware updates
  • Environmental condition alerts (e.g., smoke detection)
Business Process Automation
  • New order or transaction in e-commerce platform
  • Customer feedback or survey submission
  • Marketing campaign trigger based on customer behavior
  • Payment processing success or failure
  • Inventory level changes triggering restock processes
File and Data Events
  • New file upload or deletion
  • File integrity check failures
  • Data pipeline job completion
  • Data ingestion success or failure
  • Large data transfer completion

Implementing Event-Driven Automation

To implement event-driven automation, You can use any of your preferred tools and technologies, below are a few examples for your reference:

  • Monitoring and Alerting Tools: Prometheus, Nagios, Zabbix, Datadog, New Relic.
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): Splunk, IBM QRadar, ArcSight.
  • Cloud Services: AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions.
  • Automation and Orchestration Tools: Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Terraform.
  • Event Streaming Platforms: Apache Kafka, AWS Kinesis, Google Pub/Sub.
  • ITSM Tools: ServiceNow, Jira Service Management, BMC Remedy.
  • CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, GitLab CI, CircleCI, Azure DevOps.
  • Incident Management and Automation: Callgoose SQIBS Incident Management and Automation Platform

By leveraging these tools and using Callgoose SQIBS Incident Management and Callgoose SQIBS Automation Platform , you can set up robust event-driven automation workflows to enhance efficiency, reliability, and responsiveness in your IT operations.

Refer to Callgoose SQIBS Incident Management and Callgoose SQIBS Automation for more details



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